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Product Detail

Auroflex Toric

A well designed Toric IOL like Auroflex Toric offers the perceivable benefit of superior quality vision for a patient with corneal astigmatism. It...

Categories: Surgical Blades


A well designed Toric IOL like Auroflex Toric offers the perceivable benefit of superior quality vision for a patient with corneal astigmatism. It is designed on the successful and trusted platform of Auroflex and offers convenience of use for the surgeon and satisfaction for the patient.


Aurolab/ Auroflex Toric - Hydrophilic IOL


Product features:

About design

  • The optic of Auroflex Toric IOL has been carefully designed with toricity on the anterior surface of the IOL.

Rotational stability

  • The success of a Toric IOL can be judged by its ability to maintain a stable position in the capsular bag as every degree of IOL rotation results in a loss of 3.3% of IOL cylinder power.
  • Auroflex toric with the dual haptic design offers the rotational stability on axis and clear optic for post surgical vision.

Our clinical study report shows that Auroflex design with dual haptics and large surface area of contact with the capsular bag provides excellent stability for the IOL post implantation. This has been vindicated as per the clinical study done by us as shown in figure. The fenestration in the Auroflex Toric haptics enables better fixation during fibrosis and hence aids for better stability of the lens.

0.5 increment:

Now add precision to your surgical refractive practice!! Aurolab offers the cylindrical power increment in steps of 0.5 D thereby giving you flexibility to precisely correct the refractive error of your patients.

Toric Calculator:

Adding ease and perfection to your practice!! Aurolab has designed OptiCal an web based online service that makes choosing the right Auroflex Toric iol. This can be accessed at www.aurolab.com/OptiCal

Truedge Technology:

Auroflex Toric IOL is enhanced with the Truedge Technology, the 360° square edge design on the posterior surface, that prevents cell proliferation including the haptic-optic junction.


Auroflex Toric IOL comes pre-packed with the ever trusted, convenient to use glide disposable delivery system