
We envisage success for those who use our service.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

By using our website, our services or contact us, you will disclose personal information. South Austral Pty Ltd, ABN 23 082 865 763, recognises that your privacy is very important to you and we are committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)

This policy describes what personal information we collect, how we collect it and what we do with the collected information. This policy also serves as notification to individuals of the matters required to be notified by the Australian Privacy Principles.

How we collect and receive personal information

We collect and receive personal information from site visitors and customers in various ways, such as:

Contacting Us: When you contact us through phone, website, email or social media we collect personal data and other information that you are providing to us. Examples include email addresses, phone numbers or online forms.

Cookies: We also use software like cookies to tell us how you use our website, and how we can help you and improve our web presence. Cookies are tiny digital identifiers that are automatically stored on your computer. These will help us to personalise our service to you, to give you a good user experience, to improve our website, and keep pace with technical development and trends.

Browser Data: Your internet browser may disclose information to the internet provider, provider of a search engine (e.g., Google or Bing); and to the owner of the particular website, you visit. Examples of browser data received include IP address, Internet Provider, computer hardware, browser type and operating system.

By providing your personal information to us, and by having access to this policy, you are taken to have consented to the use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this policy.

What type of personal information do we collect

We only collect personal information that helps us to contact you, provide our services to you and to provide personalised content for you. We process the following types of personal information:

• Contact information (e.g., name, address, email address, social media handle, phone number);
• Payment information (e.g., bank account, debit or credit card numbers)
• Browser date (e.g., IP address, internet provider, operating system)
• Product preferences, purchasing habits, purchasing history; and
• Communication preferences

Additionally, when you contact us, we collect your contact information and any additional information you voluntarily provide to us in connection with your enquiries or comments. We encourage you to share no more personal information than necessary for us to provide an appropriate response to your inquiries or comments.

We may process other personal information in exceptional circumstances only. If we need to do so, we will make sure you are informed about it and that there is a valid legal basis for doing so (e.g., your consent).

How we use the personal information collected

We may process other personal information in exceptional circumstances only. If we need to do so, we will make sure you are informed about it and that there is a valid legal basis for doing so (e.g., your consent).

We use the browser data like IP address, Internet provider, computer hardware, browser type and operating system are used to:

• Improve our website and social media appearance
• Update and improve our internet performance

We may collect your name, address, telephone number, fax number and email to:

• Communicate with you
• Provide information to you
• Issue quotes and send to you
• Ship and deliver ordered products to you
• Issue invoices and send to you
• Make credit checks
• Administrative record keeping as required by law
• Recall products as required by regulations
• Plan and budget Marketing and Sales
• Improve, optimise and expand our product ranges and services
• Develop our business

Sharing with third parties

We don’t sell, rent or trade your personal information. We only share information with third parties if it is necessary to process an order or to prepare an offer. In such cases, we only share the personal information that is necessary to process an order or an offer. Third parties we share your personal information with include our providers for:

• Infrastructure- or platform- or software-as-a-service solutions, software development services, information system maintenance services, record management services
• Logistic services
• Financial transaction services; and
• Government authorities or other third parties, if required or allowed otherwise by law or reasonably necessary to protect the rights, legal interests, property, or safety of yourself, others, or ourselves

Other than as outlined in this privacy policy or in any notice provided to you at the time of collecting your personal information, we will not disclose your personal information without your consent unless disclosure is either necessary to prevent a threat to life or health, authorised or required by law, reasonably necessary to enforce the law or necessary to investigate a suspected unlawful activity

Protecting your personal information

We maintain appropriate technical and organisational security safeguards designed to protect the personal information we process against accidental, unlawful or unauthorised restriction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use.

How long we retain your data

We store your personal information as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which we collect the data, except if required or allowed otherwise by law.

Updates to this Privacy Policy

South Austral Pty Ltd may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any significant changes to this Privacy Policy on our website or through other appropriate communication channels. All changes shall be effective from the date of publication, unless otherwise provided in the notification.

If you have any inquiries or concerns about this Privacy Notice, you may contact us at +61 2 9280 1100 or by Email:sapl@southaustral.com.au.